”Cage, in recordings, was charming; Lazar…….is super-charming. Every part of his performance is suffused with the sense that he’s discovering things in real time….He laughs when there’s a serendipitous juxtaposition, delighted, for example, when he finds himself talking about a car while also doing a move like shifting into third. I was struck when he told a story about a jukebox while also patting his chest — the two things happening at the same moment felt meaningful (Lazar is basically treating himself like a Cage jukebox), but we also know that the moment must be a coincidence. Is there a difference? Not really. Cage suggests that accident and purpose aren’t oppositional concepts, not when everything — treated with attention — can instruct us. That’s enough of a philosophy to build a church upon, and certainly Cage Shuffle Marathon feels at times like a lighthearted sermon. Today’s liturgy: the pleasures of meticulousness and surrender.”
— Helen Shaw, New York Magazine
"Lazar, a consummate performer, carries us along on a whirlwind ride.”
— Lauren Grant, The Dance Enthusiast
“……an immensely enjoyable electricity. Always Mesmerizing.”
— Rachel Karp, Contemporary Performance